Contextual Keywords And Terms: Why You Need Them For Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

If someone tells you that SEO is irrelevant or that an SEO person is nothing but a snake oil salesman, they may be on the wrong side of the revolution. 

More than 90% of online experiences begin with a search. With nearly 4 billion Google users worldwide, what consumers want and how they search for information online varies greatly and constantly changes. 

According to Google, its search engines see billions of searches daily, and 15% of those queries are ones they have not seen before. Therefore, it is apparent that Google’s biggest challenge is matching relevant content for each user. 

Some food for thought: 

71% of Brits said that they found Google Search gave more relevant results than other search engines.

Why do searchers flock to Google when there are many alternative search engines out there? To add to that fact, how does Google provide more relevant content as compared to other search engines? 

Here’s how. 

To recommend better content to their users, Google has continuously rolled out improvements to their ranking algorithm to improve the understanding of search intent and provide more predictability in how keywords match. 

Google’s Commitment Towards Context

Google core update that relate to contextual

By introducing newer Google algorithms, Google has shown its dedication to bringing better results for its searchers by introducing RankBrain and Hummingbird to gauge the intent of search queries better. This was followed by Google rolling out the BERT update, which introduced a new algorithm that improved language understanding, particularly for more natural language/conversational queries. 

Even in 2022, we see that Google continues to introduce new algorithms to fine-tune results provided to searchers. 

You can see this through the introduction of the Google Helpful Content update, which brought a side-wide signal determining whether a website primarily has helpful content or the opposite. Once Google interprets your content, they will then downgrade websites that are merely designed to rank well on searches while promoting more helpful websites designed for humans above search engines.

Alongside the helpful content update, Google has already rolled out the September 2022 core update, which came immediately after the helpful content update. Danny Sullivan, Google’s Public Liaison for Search, tweeted that the core update might further supplement the helpful content update by amplifying its effects. 

But, without any concrete proof, it is best to take these statements with a pinch of salt. 

Google also introduced its May 2022 Core Update. According to Google’s Public Liaison for Search, Danny Sullivan, he noted the core update would make changes to improve Search overall and keep pace with the changing nature of the web. 

Google is introducing these updates for the sole purpose of improving search results for users. These updates aim to improve the search experience for users, providing more relevant, useful, and trustworthy information for searches. 

These are just scratching the surface of how LSIGraph has adapted to updates by Google. If you want to learn more, you can always read up on beyond LSIGraph

How Do These Updates Affect You?

First and foremost, if you have always created people-first content without engaging in any black hat SEOs. I’m sure you won’t be affected much by the updates. 

However, do expect some volatility in your website’s traffic due to Google’s updates.

tweet about google's update
tweet about google's update

Generally, webmasters would suffer a drop in traffic to the website. Still, if you have consistently created helpful and authoritative content for your readers, the traffic will eventually bounce back, so there is nothing to worry about. 

google search console graph after google update

Conversely, if you have constantly been churning out content meant merely to rank on search engines, then you would be heavily affected by these updates, especially the helpful content update. 

You can see the chatter from SEO forums of people voicing out that the update affects their site traffic. 

How Can I Create High-Quality Contextual Content?

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Every webmaster’s dream is to have their website gain massive visibility on SERP. However, one critical mistake to avoid is keyword stuffing. 

So what is keyword stuffing? In a nutshell, keyword stuffing is a weak and lazy way for certain webmasters to bombard irrelevant keywords into their website or content inorganically to gain high visibility on SERP.

what is keyword stuffing

Have you ever been on the receiving end of such sentences? 

“Contextual terms are essential for your content. Why are contextual terms so important? This is because contextual terms help you build context for your articles. Contextual terms are the next big thing in SEO, and you should add contextual terms for your content.” 

Not only do these websites look unnatural to readers, but they also go against Google’s content guidelines. Keyword stuffing has the consequence of being a negative ranking factor on your website, which will cause your site to rank lower on SERP. It also makes your content seem unnatural to your readers — a total lose-lose for you. 

To rank your SEO page, ensure that you adequately and naturally add your keywords to your content. Ensure that you pick keywords with high traffic and low keyword difficulty to achieve the best results for your content.

A good rule of thumb is to have your keyword appear once every 50 words within the content. However, it can seem more when including alternative texts, meta tags, titles, and other content. 

Know Your Niche’s Intent

You must always have your audience in mind when creating optimized content. Hence, you must understand your audience’s search intent and why they use specific terms and phrases to find their content. 

Intents are an excellent way for webmasters to understand their audience and align their website’s content strategy. It can be divided into transactional, navigational, local, and informational. It can be further subdivided into more specific intents, but let’s not dwell too much on that. 

keyword intent

By knowing your audience’s intent, you could put your audience as your top priority and understand what motivates them to click and share content online. 

Use that information to understand how your audience thinks and use that information to determine their values, dealbreakers, needs, frustrations, objectives, and pain points. 

Once you thoroughly understand your audience, you can write the best content for your audience. 

Provide Accurate Information

Writing good content shouldn’t be a herculean task, but a lot of webmasters fail to do so. Poor content is one of the top SEO killers in the industry, and if not properly checked, it can lead to the decline of a website’s SERP ranking. 

Good content means that your content would be able to provide reliable information for your readers, establishing your website as an authoritative website. 

If you have been in the SEO loop, you would have probably heard of Google E-A-T.

Google EAT

According to Google’s definition, E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This definition comes from Google’s Search Quality Rater guidelines which outline the factors that Google uses to evaluate the overall quality of a web page. 

How does Google determine E-A-T? This is determined through

  • First, the expertise of the creator of the Main Content, 
  • Second, the authoritativeness of the creator of the Main Content, the Main Content itself, and the website 
  • Third, the trustworthiness of the creator of the Main Content, the Main Content itself, and the website

To ensure that your content is always helpful to your readers and to improve your E-A-T SEO, you should always keep your content accurate and up to date. Unless the content on your site is about something that never changes, there’s a good chance that you have information or even links on your page that are either obsolete or outdated. 

Keep your content up with the most accurate information. This is particularly important if you have pages that are time sensitive, such as news or medical information. 

Additionally, Google loves expert content. Therefore, demonstrating that someone with credentials and qualifications creates your content would go a long way in Google’s eyes. 

Suppose you do not have the necessary experience. In that case, you can increase the credibility of your website by working with contributors with substantial real-world experience and knowledge in that field/niche. 

Research Your Competitors

Competitor research is one of the most important things you can do for your website. I know that stealing other people’s work is wrong, but to be the best, you must learn from the best.

If you want your website to be more visible and rank higher than others in your industry, you would need to critically analyze your website’s strengths and weaknesses while also staying ahead of the competition. 

By analyzing your competitors, you can see what makes them as successful as they are today and find out why Google loves their content enough to rank them at the top. 

Spend time uncovering your competitor’s strategy and create a comprehensive content marketing strategy. Add your own research, information, and expertise to those content to outrank the competition and promote your new content to a similar audience to your competitors targeted. 

Building Contextually Sound Content With LSIGraph

Add Contextual Terms To Your Content

Build more context for your content with LSIGraph Contextual Terms

To ensure that LSIGraph continues to adapt to Google’s focus on context, LSIGraph has introduced new features to help you build more context for your content. 

Based on LSIGraph’s latest round of research, the team found contextual terms to be more impactful in SERP rankings. Hence, we have made it the emphasis of our writer by restructuring the content score calculation to put more weight on contextual terms. 

If you haven’t noticed just yet 😉, we have also remanded the semantic writer to content writer as we move from a  semantic-based scoring system to a more contextual one that aligns with Google’s focus and our own research. 

Contextual keywords help you build context around your target keyword and content. By adding contextual keywords, search engines are more likely to understand the contextual relevance of your page. 

This results in your page having a higher chance to rank for queries you want to rank for, getting you the quality traffic that you’ve always dreamed of. 

Create Content That Match User Search Intent

Find keyword that match user intent with LSIGraph Keyword Intent

LSIGraph also has a new classification model. The LSIGraph team developed this new model to identify users’ intent to integrate with BERT. Whatever the user intent (informational, transactional, local, or navigational), LSIGraph will display your list of keywords along with their right intent. 

Having every keyword accompanied by their specified intent takes all the guesswork out of your content strategy. You can create content corresponding to the searcher’s query to provide the most relevant information and facts they are looking for. 

Let’s say that I am searching for information through the keyword “Best Smoked Brisket in Tennessee,” there is no point in creating a how-to page on making brisket. By understanding that this keyword brings about a local intent, you would know that the searcher doesn’t intend to smoke his own brisket but is in search of the best brisket in town. 

Map Out Your Content Strategy

map out your content strategy with LSIGraph keyword mapper

Great webmasters always know what’s next and what to write next. Is this because they are simply better at writing? Do they just have more experience in the field? 

I’m here to tell you that while those play a part in how you brainstorm content for your website, there is another more important factor in creating a successful website: proper planning. 

I can’t imagine an army general winning a battle simply by “winging it.” Great webmasters plan their content at least a few months in advance. They plan out content that drives profitable traffic for their site through in-depth research, careful planning, and developing a thorough SEO content strategy. 

LSIGraph’s keyword mapper helps you cluster your keywords into content silos equipped with important information that you need for each keyword, such as intent, volume, and Opportunity Score. 

Arrange your keywords into content silos by simply dragging and dropping keywords in your projects to set up the structure of your website and plan potential pages/content. 

Map your keywords into main categories and sub-categories, and never miss out on a content opportunity again! 

Secondly, you can now bolster the context of your content with topical clusters. LSIGraph has developed another algorithm that functions to pinpoint the entities that are within keywords. By pinpointing entities within keywords, LSIGraph will then create clusters of relevant keywords based on the identified keywords, which results in what we call topical clusters. 

Content that uses keywords in these topical clusters tends to be viewed more positively by Google as it allows their algorithm to detect semantic relationships between different segments of your content, building more context. 

Analyze Your Competitors

Analyze your competitor with LSIGraph SERP Analyzer

Too often, we are fixated on managing and creating content that we think would serve our readers the best. But if you fail to see what works and what doesn’t, then all your efforts will be for nothing. Hence, to create content that gains massive visibility and ranks well, competitor research is a must. 

Have you ever tried analyzing top-ranking competitors with the SERP analyzer? Let me tell you that you are missing out if you have not. 

The SERP analyzer breaks down top-ranking competitors to provide you with insights such as their word count, paragraphs, keyword density, page speed, readability, and more. 

Skip all the hassle of visiting each competitor’s website individually. Save your time and effort on more profitable things. 

With the SERP analyzer, you would also be able to access content briefs of your competitors, which are quick summaries of the HTML structure for each of the top-ranking pages. 

Speed up your content optimization process by allowing you to study the structure of the top-ranking pages without having to visit each individual site. Clicking on the individual rows of SERP results will bring you to the in-depth content brief of the result. 

Accurately Answer User Search Queries

Answer user search queries with LSIGraph Popular Questions

As much as your readers love a well-written piece of content, they also want their questions to be answered. Hence, you should always strive to answer questions that searchers may be looking for. 

According to experts, it is best to get to the point and answer your reader’s burning questions within the first few paragraphs of your content. This way, you can capture your reader’s attention by giving them the information they want to hear. 

Only after answering their questions should you go into more detail and examples. Besides yielding SEO benefits, using this method means you will be placing your keyword in the first paragraph, thereby increasing your keyword prominence and making it easier to be found by the search. 

Unsure of what questions to answer? LSIGraph’s content writer shows you popular questions that have been extracted from top-ranking pages to be included in your content. 

Click on the popular questions tab in the Writer and find out all of your audience’s burning questions in an instant. 

Find outbound link for your content with LSIGraph Frequently Linked

SEOs are always talking about how essential it is to have a comprehensive backlink structure for your website. However, only some web pages have the privilege of being constantly linked, especially if you are just starting out in the industry. 

Press releases may be a great alternative, but constantly relying on press releases is costly unless you find a newswire that gives you affordable plans with decent coverage. 

How can you overcome this? One way is to ensure that you are producing original content that improves upon your competitor’s content. After which, you can use LSIGraph’s frequently linked tab, which shows pages that top-ranking pages are linking to. 

By creating better content, you would put yourself as the top contender for these sites to link to as opposed to your competitors because of your superior content. Additionally, you can also boost your content’s authority by linking to those same pages.

Create SEO-Optimized Content

Make sure your content is SEO-optimized with LSIGraph content score

To have your page gain maximum visibility, you would not only need to optimize your page for your audience but also for search engines. 

How can you optimize your content SEOs? I have just the solution for you. 

You can now find out how to improve your content’s SEO with the content writer’s Dynamic Suggestions, which uses the top 10 results as a benchmark, analyzes your content, and provides you with all the suggestions and recommendations you need to leapfrog your competitors. 

Additionally, LSIGraph’s content writer now has a content scoring system that updates in real time. As you write your content, the scoring will reflect how SEO-optimized your content is. Continue to improve your content using our suggestions and recommendations, and see your content score improve. 

Keep improving your content until you’re satisfied with your content, post your content, and watch it soar to the top of SERP. 


It is important to understand that writing great content requires a lot of research, planning before writing, and constant audit even after your content has been posted up. Ultimately, it is rewarding to do all these steps as your content will rank well on SERP, and your content will gain great visibility. 

To make the content writing process easier, simpler, and time-saving, LSIGraph has numerous tools that you can use in the Content Writer, from the newly added contextual terms to SEO optimization suggestions for your content.

Subscribe to LSIGraph and solidify yourself as one of the content-writing greats!

What Are LSI Keywords and Why They Matter in SEO

LSI Keywords has been a controversial topic over the last few years. To ensure that their content ranks high on Google, business owners, marketers, and SEO specialists are always on the lookout for Google’s ranking factors. So here comes the highly debated question:

“Are LSI Keywords one of Google’s ranking factors?”

This article seeks to answer this question and even more.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  1. What Are LSI Keywords?
  2. What Problem Does LSI Keywords Solve?
  3. How Do LSI Keywords Differentiate Polysemic Words and Synonyms?
  4. Are LSI Keywords One of Google’s Ranking Factors?
  5. The New Advanced LSI Keywords: Contextual Terms 
  6. How To Find LSI Keywords (Contextual Terms)
  7. How To Use Contextual Terms
  8. Does Contextual-Based SEO Work?
  9. Summary

What Are LSI Keywords?

LSI keywords are words or phrases that are semantically related to the main keyword to supplement it with more context.

Developed in the 1980s, Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), also known as Latent Semantic Analysis, is a Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique that aims to better understand a search user’s intent when entering a query into the search engine. 

For example, if your main keyword is “cake”, some LSI keywords would be batter, flour, butter, oven, and bake. These words help build the context around the word “cake” and show that it means the dessert you eat at birthday parties or weddings.

A mind map showing some LSI keywords for the main keyword "cake".

So what’s the importance of LSI and LSI keywords?

According to Google, it has indexed hundreds of billions of web pages. Out of these billions of possible pages, how do you think Google decides which specific ones to show you when you type something into its search engine?

The first thing that would probably come to mind is that after receiving your query, search engines look for pages that contain matching terms to the ones you used and chooses those specific pages. For example, if you type in the word “waffles”, you would think that search engines will return pages that contain the exact word you typed in (“waffles”), right?

A graphic showing a picture of waffles when the word "waffle" is typed into a search engine.

Although it sounds like the most obvious method, it can be highly inaccurate. Many words have different meanings (polysemy), so matching literal terms has a risk of returning highly irrelevant pages to a search user. Additionally, different words can mean the same thing (synonymy), so only matching exact terms severely limits a search engine’s results to its users. Therefore, matching literal terms to a search user’s query proves to be insufficient and inaccurate.

A better, more intuitive way would be to retrieve information based on the conceptual relevance of a topic, which is what LSI tries to achieve. It does this by looking for the underlying (“Latent”) relationship between words (“Semantic”) to improve information retrieval (“Indexing”).

What Problem Does LSI Keywords Solve?

Ultimately, Google’s mission has always been the same: to match the best page to a search user’s query. In order to do this, Google needs to understand what exactly a search user means when they look up a word on the search engine. However, the complexity of the language construct poses many challenges for Google to achieve this.

One such challenge is when search users use polysemic words and synonyms in their queries.

For example, if I were to type in the word “date” on Google, how does it know whether I’m looking for today’s date, a romantic meeting with someone, or the fruit?

This is what we call polysemic words: words that have different meanings.

A graphic showing the different meanings of the polysemic word "date".

For example, the word ‘right’ could mean morally good, justified, or acceptable, or it could also mean the direction opposite left.

Likewise, the word ‘fan’ could refer to an apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation, or a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.

On the other hand, synonyms are different words that mean the same thing.

Some examples of synonyms are easy and simple, big and huge, test and exam, etc.

A graphic showing three examples of synonyms, which are different words that mean the same thing.

A user could run a search for ‘computer’ using the terms ‘pc’ or ‘desktop’, or even ‘laptop’. A search engine that does not understand synonyms would consider those search terms independent of each other, and it would not return all the relevant results the user wants.

The same holds true for regional variations in the words used to describe the same thing. A US user looking for french fries would query ‘fries near my location’ while a UK user would search for ‘chips near my location’.

A competent search engine would have to understand that both users are probably looking for the same kind of food.

How Do LSI Keywords Distinguish Polysemic Words and Synonyms?

Latent semantic indexing (or latent semantic analysis) solves the issue of distinguishing polysemic words and synonyms using statistical methods. Latent semantic analysis analyzes the statistical co-occurrences of words that appear in proximity of each other in a set of documents to infer if they are contextually or semantically related to each other. This is what data scientists call Word Embedding in data science & Natural Language Processing.

In that sense, LSI keywords are keywords that are semantically or contextually related to the keyword you are targeting. For example, if your seed keyword is ‘car’, the corresponding LSI keywords would be ‘automobile’, ‘vehicle’, or even ‘cars’.

Some argue that LSI is not suitable for search engines because it was devised for smaller corpus of documents in the pre-internet era, and is impractical to be applied to such a vast amount of data as the world wide web. Although this is true from a search engine’s perspective, here’s why it is irrelevant: when doing SEO, we’re just looking for a particular keyword, which doesn’t have such a huge amount of data for analysis purposes.

When we’re dealing with specific keywords, we are dealing with only the Top 10-20 search results, which is why these very small sets of data makes LSI a wonderful technique for related keyword extractions. 

Are LSI Keywords One of Google’s Ranking Factors?

Google has over 200 ranking factors — half of them are confirmed, while the other half… not so. One of those confirmed factors verified by Google themselves are none other than backlinks — this sent SEOs and website owners into a frenzy for the best website backlink checker they can get their hands on.

But the truth is, a lot of ranking factors are assumptions by the SEO community based on successful experiments and trustworthy rumors.

A few years ago, discussions were rife that Google uses latent semantic indexing in their search algorithm, and using LSI keywords in your content could improve your content’s ranking in the search results.

It makes sense to assume Google uses LSI in their search algorithm because it is imperative for them to be able to distinguish polysemic words and synonyms in order to accurately decipher their searcher’s intent.

However, in 2019, Google’s Search Advocate, John Mueller, poured cold water over the notion by confirming that Google does not use LSI keywords in their search engine.

On top of that, Google’s papers on their search algorithm made no mention of latent semantic indexing or latent semantic analysis, as with whitepapers from other search engines.

So, here comes the question again, “Are LSI Keywords one of Google’s ranking factors?”

The real answer? None of us will know (only Google knows)
The likely answer? No… but also somehow yes.

To really answer this, we need to visit the development history of Natural Language Processing, NLP.

In simple terms, NLP is the process of teaching computers to understand human language.

A timeline of the development history of Natural Language Processing, from Word Embeddings, to Word Vector, to BERT.

One of the very first few techniques of NLP is Word Embedding, a form of word representation that allows words with similar meanings to be grouped “closer”. And LSI? It’s one of the pioneers of the Word Embedding technique back in the days.

Then in 2013, as researchers try to break through Word Embedding, Word Vector (Word2Vec) was born. Building upon the concept of Word Embedding, researcher Tomas Mikolov developed Word Vector to help computer understand languages faster.

And finally, in 2018, Word Vector further evolved into BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers). As opposed to the single-directional nature of Word Vector, BERT approaches NLP in a bidirectional way, which enables Google to understand search terms better the way a human does. 

BERT takes into account other words in a search sentence and the relative location of the word in the sentence, to infer the context in which the words are being used, so it would more accurately reflect the searcher’s intent.

The model also classifies search terms into topical entities rather than sort each word independently. For example, the query “Bond” and “James Bond” are two different keywords, but they would be classified under the same entity.

By the end of 2020, Google started using BERT in almost every English-language query.

Considering this NLP development from Word Embedding, to Word Vector, and finally to BERT, we can say that no, Google probably doesn’t use LSI per se in their algorithm today.

But BERT that is highly popular among the SEOs today? Its history and roots go back to the basic, which is Word Embedding used by LSI. 

A good analogy I would like to raise is a car engine. Rewind 30 years, and all car engines exist in the form of Gasoline engine; whereas today, they have evolved into advanced forms of engines like Plug-in Hybrid, Hydrogen Engine, and Pure EVs.

All these new engines are definitely better, but the plain old gasoline engine, despite being the older tech, still gets you from point A to point B.

And LSI? LSI is exactly like the gasoline engine; sure, it’s no longer the fanciest around, but it still does the job of building context for your content and move up the SERP ranking.

The New Advanced LSI Keywords: Contextual Terms

Just because Google does not use LSI keywords does not mean that LSI keywords are irrelevant in SEO.

On the contrary, now that Google is able to understand search terms the way humans do, using LSI and semantic keywords has never been more relevant. Having contextually and semantically related terms to your target keyword tells Google that your content is highly relevant.

It also renders your content much more appealing to human readers and by extension, Google’s BERT algorithm. Well-written content does not regurgitate the same keyword over and over again but peppers the article with contextual and related terms to make it more delightful to read.

Google even confirms so:

A screenshot of an excerpt from Google's "Ranking results" article that reads: "Just think: when you search for “dogs”, you likely don’t want a page with the word “dogs” on it hundreds of times. With that in mind, algorithms assess if a page contains other relevant content beyond the keyword “dogs” — such as pictures of dogs, videos, or even a list of breeds.

In other words, your blog post about dogs will rank better in search results if it contains related keywords like breeds of dogs and dog-related peripherals like leashes or harnesses.

In an effort to keep up with the everchanging Google algorithm to understand search users’ intent and match the best content for them, we at LSIGraph will always update our algorithms accordingly.

The key idea is still the same: to reinforce content relevancy so that it matches a user’s search intent, consequently helping it rank higher on Google.

Keeping in mind that LSI is still a building block of today’s BERT, LSIGraph has further improved our algorithm to incorporate a BERT-integrated machine learning model to return our users contextual and semantic keywords that would increase their content’s relevancy to Google’s ranking algorithms.

This upgrades LSI keyword into its more advanced form, “Contextual Terms”.

How To Find LSI Keywords (Contextual Terms)

Now you might wonder: how do you look for these Contextual Terms to add to your content?

There are 3 ways to do it.

First, you could do it manually. You can type in a specific keyword of interest into Google and scour the Top 10 pages one by one. From there, you would need to extract words and phrases used by those pages that are semantically and contextually related to your chosen keyword. Also keep in mind that you’d need to take note of the usage frequency of these keywords as it helps you gauge the most popular ones to include in your own content.

This way is doable but might be tedious, time-consuming, and you might miss out on some keywords.

Another way is by using Google’s NLP API, an interface that shows you how search engines perceive and evaluate the quality of a piece of text. You would need to feed the API a piece of content (preferably from the Top 10), which it then uses machine learning to divide the content into four categories:

  1. Entities: Entities categorizes specific words or phrases into different categories like location, consumer good, person, event, price, and more.
  2. Sentiment: Sentiment analyzes the emotion of the content to determine whether it’s positive, negative, or neutral.
  3. Syntax: Syntax analyzes the language structure of the content and provides linguistic insights.
  4. Categories: This shows you the overall category the content falls under.
A screenshot of Google's NLP API Syntax Analysis.
Google’s NLP API’s Syntax Analysis

Next, you would need to compile this information into a spreadsheet, and based on each of the four categories, decide on the keywords that are relevant to your niche, and that Google deems important.

The whole process is quite complicated, as Google’s NLP API is a complex tool, so there is a steep learning curve and you would need to spend days analyzing the data provided by the API.

The third, and easiest way, would be to use an SEO keyword research tool like LSIGraph. You would only need to input a seed keyword, which then returns a list of contextual terms you can add to your content to build relevancy. The best part? This process takes less than 10 seconds! You can skip all the hardwork and hassle, sit back, and just let LSIGraph do it for you.

A screenshot from LSIGraph showing a list of suggested Contextual Terms.

How To Use Contextual Terms

Now that you have your contextual terms (either the easy way or long, winded way), here comes the next part: Placement and Frequency. How do you know where to place them in your content and just how many should you use? Does it even matter?

There used to be a time where randomly placing as much keywords as possible into your content would work. But that was the old days.

Now, Google is much, much smarter. Randomly placing keywords where they don’t belong and overstuffing your content with them won’t cut it anymore. In fact, you could even get penalized for doing this and risk being banned by Google.

Hence, you would need to place your contextual terms in your content strategically and optimally use it so as not to use too much to the point of overstuffing and not too little that even Google won’t know it’s even there.

Generally, you would want to intersperse Contextual Terms naturally throughout your content.

The best places to include them would be:

  • Headings
  • Meta description
  • Anchor texts
  • Image Title, File Name, and Alt Text
  • Content body (obviously)

At times, you might struggle trying to figure out how you can add these contextual terms in your content. This is where using LSIGraph comes in handy. By clicking on a particular contextual term, you’ll be shown some “Examples of Use”. These examples of use show you how the Top 10 pages are using the contextual terms in their content, so that you can gain some ideas on how to include them for your own.

A screenshot from LSIGraph that shows some Examples of Use extracted from top 10 pages for the contextual term "search engine".

Also, you can easily figure out how many times to use the contextual terms in your content so that it’s optimized. LSIGraph tells you how many times you’ve used a contextual term in your content so far, and how many times you should be using it.

A screenshot from LSIGraph highlighting the set of numbers next to a contextual term.
The set of numbers show the usage vs. optimal frequency of a contextual term

LSIGraph takes out all the guesswork and tells you exactly where to place the contextual terms and how many times to use them so that your content is as highly optimized as possible.

Does Contextual-Based SEO Work?

Promising that something works isn’t nearly as convincing as showing that it works.

So, to answer the question as to whether contextual terms actually help in boosting a content’s SEO, let’s look at some data. 

Three months ago, we published a new page about keyword research on LSIGraph. In case you don’t know, “keyword research” is a very, very competitive word.

It has the highest keyword difficulty, and a very low opportunity score (OS). This means it would be extremely difficult to rank for this keyword and see any traffic without extremely accurate optimization.

A screenshot from LSIGraph showing the phrase "keyword research" having a keyword difficulty of 100, and an Opportunity Score of 32.
Keyword research’s high keyword difficulty

Of course, because we know LSIGraph works, we used our own tool to optimize the page to help it rank.

Previously, we used to only include more related keywords in our content to optimize our page. Although this strategy helped us rank for low-hanging fruit keywords, it barely did anything for the more competitive keywords. 

So this time, we optimized our page by adding as many contextual terms as possible, according to the suggested frequencies. We also did some on-page optimization based on the suggestion list provided to boost our content score further so that it’s in the well-optimized range.

A screenshot from LSIGraph that shows an arrow from the suggested list of Contextual Terms pointing to the text editor.

And the result?

In just three months’ time, our newly published page saw upward-trending traffic on Google Search Console.

A screenshot from Google Search Console of a traffic graph that has a linearly increasing trend.

Again, this is for an extremely difficulty keyword, so gaining any traffic is already a feat, let alone an upward-trending one!

In fact, we even ranked for a few other keywords related to “keyword research” that also had high keyword difficulty.

A screenshot showing a few keywords related to "keyword research" that have keyword difficulties ranging from 81-97.

Circling back to the question “Does contextual-based SEO work?”, the answer is yes.

Based on the data from our own article, optimally adding contextual terms helped us gain exponential traffic for a highly competitive keyword, and as a cherry on top, for other high-difficulty keywords as well.


The easy, simple answer to the question, “Is LSI Keywords one of Google’s ranking factors?” would be no, it isn’t.

However, this doesn’t mean that it’s entirely insignificant.

Because LSI is a part of what eventually evolved into BERT that is ubiquitously used by Google today, it still has relevance in what helps a content rank. 

Similarly to how the Word Embedding technique progressed to today’s BERT, LSIGraph has also evolved from using LSI keywords to something even better: Contextual Terms.

Not discarding totally the idea of LSI keywords, but instead building off of it, Contextual Terms help to build your content’s contextual relevancy so that when Google’s bots crawl it, it understands what your content is about and therefore ranks it for the right audience.

So instead of wasting time getting hung up about whether LSI keywords matter or not, we can focus on using Contextual Terms that has proven to bring actual results to the table. Of course, finding contextual terms is one task, but knowing how to use them is another.

To make your life just a tad easier, we would highly suggest you to use an SEO keyword research tool that does all the work for you. It needs to be able to effectively come up with these contextual terms and tell you the best way to use them for your content.

This tool in question? It’s staring at you right in your face – get LSIGraph today!