How To Effectively Conduct A Keyword Research In 3 Steps

Did you know that Google processes over 8.5 billion searches per day?

Google has been consistently providing results that are accurate and relevant to its search users. This is done through understanding the users’ intent when searching for a query and directing them to websites that contain the accurate answers.

This is why you need keyword research.

If you don’t know what keywords you should target, it is nearly impossible to rank or optimize your website on search engines. But with proper research, you will obtain the necessary keyword data to target the right keywords and answer your audience’s search queries.

Keywords are the foundation of an on-page SEO strategy. If you’re curating your content on a topic with keywords that no one is searching for, you probably won’t get substantial web traffic from search engines–even if you’re ranked #1.

Here’s what will be covered in this article:
  • What is keyword research?
  • Why keyword research is important?
  • How to do keyword research?

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the practice of understanding the search queries your target audience type into search engines when looking for your content or website. As you perform your research, you will analyze and discover which keyword opportunities you should target.

Keyword research would provide you with keyword data that will answer these questions:

Why is keyword research important?

When you use keywords that your target audience normally search in your content, they can easily look for your website, blog, or local business. That is why it’s important to conduct proper keyword research.

Here are other reasons why it’s important to have a proper keyword research.

1. Avoid losing your audience and web traffic

90% of respondents said they are more likely to click on search results on the first page of SERP. Hence if you don’t target the right keywords and rank in the top 10 for search results, you may already potentially lose out on a large chunk of your audience and website traffic.

2. Increase visibility of your brand/business on search engines

By targeting and optimizing for the right keywords, you will easily rank high for the search terms that are relevant and accurate for the keywords. By doing so, a high ranking will also increase your business or website’s visibility on search engines.

3. Understand your audience’s intent behind their search queries

Another reason why keyword research is important is so you can identify the audience’s intent behind a search query. Understanding the search intent gives you an idea on how you should craft your content.

When you create that content that accurately answers the query’s intent, you also answer the questions your audience have in mind.

How to do keyword research?

You may find that there are a lot of various ways to conduct keyword research. But here’s a strategy the LSIGraph team has used and found to be effective time and time again. By following the methods below, you will know how to do keyword research effectively and properly.

Step 1: Find keyword ideas based on your understanding of your business/industry.

To begin your keyword research process, you need to understand the words and phrases that are relevant to your business. You also need to have solid knowledge of your industry and all the jargons that may be commonly used. This is especially important if you're starting a new business and looking to compete for established products or services. The ideas and knowledge you have will provide a basis for you to start generating your keyword ideas.

That said, let’s take a look at how you can find keyword ideas to start your SEO keyword research.

Step 2: Choose the right keywords that will reach out to your audience

Now, you know where to look for and generate keyword ideas. If you used a keyword research tool, you would definitely have more insights and analytics that comes along with the keywords.

But you need to select the right keywords so you can truly reach out to your target audience. Otherwise, you would have lots of content that your audience would never read, mostly because they do not look for those keywords.

Let’s filter the list of keywords that you currently have to find the best keywords that you would rank for.

Step 3: Build a keyword list from your research for your content creation

If you’re at this stage, you should already have selected keywords you are confident would reach your audience. Now, it’s time to build a list from these keywords. Think of your keyword list as a sitemap for your website.

The list outlines keyword-targeted content that goes on your site. If not done properly, you may have content that aren’t connected to one another. You may also spend lots of time trying to reoptimize your content and not getting the results you wanted.

Let’s take a look at how you can build your keyword list.


Understanding the importance and how to do keyword research will help you in a long way as you begin your SEO journey to reach out to your target audience. When you find the right keywords and create content around them, you will be able to get the high rankings you wanted as well as the traffic you yearned for.

Using LSIGraph as your keyword research tool will help you immensely in achieving your SEO goals. After your keyword research, you will need to start your SEO writing to write better content that fits the criterias of SEO. You can click here to read more about SEO Writing.

Tools to speed up your keyword research

If you’re looking for more tools to speed up your keyword research, do check out the these tools! They’re powerful and would be valuable additions to your repertoire of keyword research tools:

RankingGap – You can discover your competitors’ ranked keywords that you don’t rank on search results with this tool. This is one of the few unique tools to place emphasis on keyword gap analysis and how you can close that gap.

Google Keyword Planner – Google Keyword Planner is one of the most frequently used tools for keyword research for most digital marketers. The only downside to this tool is that Keyword Planner does not show you the exact search volume for the keywords.

LSIGraph – Search your seed keyword in LSIGraph and get data like keyword difficulty and search intent. LSIGraph also has a new metric called “Opportunity” score that indicates your chances of ranking at the top 10 rank positions of search results.